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Family Law and Advocacy

Reliable Family Law Services in Scarborough


Going through family disputes can be emotionally exhausting. It is hard to foresee the complications and challenges that a break-up or separation causes, all while dealing  in your relationship. Genuine assistance and professional legal advice is definitely required during this time. Look no further than Flancman, Frisch & Mann when you are in need of dependable family law services in Scarborough, Vaughn, Aurora, Belleville, and the GTA. Our skilled team will always attempt to negotiate to reach a fair settlement, but we are prepared to go to court if your situation requires it. Whether you want to file for a divorce or your marriage contract is not in place, we are here to help you. Give us a call today to learn more about our services.

  Collaborative Family Law

Collaborative family law is basically one of the options available for the termination of a marriage. This method mainly focuses on helping you work towards a healthy and peaceful post-marriage relationship, along with protecting the mental health of your children. Count on our professionals when you need help dealing with your divorce case.


  Marriage Contracts and Cohabitation Agreements

Marriage contracts and cohabitation agreements are nothing but documents which are signed by the couple either before or during the marriage. These consist of certain terms of their future separation or divorce, which are agreed by both the parties. Take help from our professionals when you need to create such contracts or agreements.


  Divorce and/or Separation Agreements

Have you decided to live separate from your partner, and you do not want a divorce? You can enter into a separation agreement in this case. This is an agreement which is signed by both the parties without involving the court. Get in touch with us to get your separation agreement.

  Child Custody, Access, and Support

Divorce can be one of the most confusing and difficult things to face. Along with you and your partner, your children will also go through a rough period. There will always be a conflict regarding with whom the children have to stay. Count on our professionals when you need assistance regarding child custody, access, and support.


  Spousal Support

Spousal support, also known as alimony is nothing but a legal obligation on a person to provide financial support to their partner before or after divorce or marital separation. Trust our team of lawyers when you want to make a spousal support agreement.


  Modification of Existing Court Orders

On a general note, most of us feel that once a divorce is finalized, the court order can never be changed. But that is not the case. Orders can be changed and modified in certain circumstances. Make use of our legal expertise to make any alterations to your agreements.


Professional Legal Assistance

Whether you need help with filing a divorce or want to prepare a spousal agreement, we can help you.



Hours of Operation


Monday: 09:00 AM – 05:00 PM

Tuesday: 09:00 AM – 05:00 PM

Wednesday: 09:00 AM – 05:00 PM

Thursday: 09:00 AM – 05:00 PM

Friday: 09:00 AM – 05:00 PM

Saturday: Closed

Sunday: Closed

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